Dec 02, 2010现学现卖,画来玩玩的,用来做slides里的示意图。感觉如果扩展一下加入zoom-in,zoom-out和slider的话,可以做成基因组浏览器(Genome Browser,比如IGV)。
这个画的是2个MIRNA165基因(橙色箭头)和7个MIRNA166基因(红色箭头,有2个位置很近看起来重合)在Arabidopsis thaliana(我们最爱滴模式植物)5条染色体上的位置。
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as mlines import matplotlib.patches as mpatches # data start here # length of the chromosomes chromosome_length = {1: 30427671, 2: 19698289, 3: 23459830, 4: 18585056, 5: 26975502} longest_chromosome = float(max(chromosome_length.values())) # positions of the data points # key=chromosome, value=tuple of the start position and the strand positions165 = {1:((79037,'-'),), 4:((370012,'-'),)} positions166 = {2: ((19176108,'+'),), 3: ((22922206,'+'),), 5: ((2838635,'+'),(2840622,'+'),(16775662,'-'), (17516301,'+'),(25504798,'+'))} # data end here fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4)) ax = plt.axes([0,0,1,1]) # create 1 x N (number of chromosomes) grid to plot the chromosomes N = len(chromosome_length) pos = np.mgrid[0:1:1, 0:1:1.0/N].reshape(2, -1) # leave some blank space at the border xshift = 0.03 yshift = 0.1 # add one line for each chromosome for k, v in chromosome_length.items(): # calculate line length proportional to the chromosome length x,y = np.array([[xshift,xshift+ (1-2*xshift)*v/longest_chromosome], [yshift,yshift]]) line = mlines.Line2D(x+pos[0,N-k], y+pos[1,N-k], lw=5,alpha=0.2,color='k') plt.text(xshift+pos[0,N-k], yshift+pos[1,N-k]-0.05, 'chromosome %d'%k, ha='left', size=14) ax.add_line(line) # add one short colored arrow for each data point colors = ('orange','red') all_positions = (positions165,positions166) for positions,color in zip(all_positions,colors): for k, v in positions.items(): for start,strand in v: x,y = xshift+(1-2*xshift)*start/longest_chromosome, yshift # xoffset is the direction and length of the arrow if strand == '+': xoffset = 0.02 else: xoffset = -0.02 arrow = mpatches.Arrow(x+pos[0,N-k], y+pos[1,N-k], xoffset, 0, width=0.1,color=color) ax.add_patch(arrow) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #plt.savefig('positions.png')